THE 18TH SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST: Grace Notes: Why we sing what we sing

This Sunday, Father had to leave very quickly after Mass to go on a sick call. Thus, we did not have a sung Mass. Had we done so, we would have sung the Propers for the Sunday, and Mass IV with Credo IV.

As it was, we had a low Mass, and so the only music we had to choose was hymns. For the Processional hymn, we sang I’ll Sing a Hymn to Mary, in honor of her holy name. This is particularly fitting because it twice makes a reference to loving and blessing the name of Mary.

We again invoked Our Lady at the Offertory with Stella Coeli Extirpavit, imploring her intercession to end the current pestilence.

At the Communion, we sang the Vexilla Regis, vespers hymn from Passiontide and from the Feast of the Holy Cross. We followed that with Ave Verum Corpus, always fitting at Communion.

And at the Recessional, we sang several verses from the English translation of the Stabat MaterAt the Cross Her Station Keeping.

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