FEAST OF THE MOST HOLY NAME OF JESUS: Grace Notes: Why we sing what we sing

This feast is only a second-class feast, but for those of us in the Holy Name Society, this is a big day.

The men of the Holy Name Society entered the church behind our banner in the procession of the clergy as we sang the Processional, O Come all ye Faithful.

Most of the men then occupied the first two pews in the church. Those of us in the Schola proceeded to the back from where we sing.

The propers we sang were for the feast.

The Commons, in keeping with the glorious Christmas season were from Mass II and Credo III.

All of the joy of the day was somewhat muted at the Offertory as we once again sang Stella Coeli Extirpavit, imploring Our Lady to obtain for us relief from the current pestilence.

At the Communion, we sang the Vespers hymn from the same Feast of the Holy Name, Jesu Dulcis Memoria.

To conclude, we sang the Holy Name Anthem (We Stand for God) for the recessional.

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