FEAST OF SAINT JOSEPH: Grace Notes Special Edition: Why we sing what we sing

We were fortunate to be able to have a sung Mass (Missa Cantata) for the Feast of Saint Joseph. Given that this was not a Sunday, there was no Asperges. And given that there was no Asperges, we sang the Introit as the processional.

Though it is Lent, due to the nature of the Feast, Father was wearing white, and we sang Mass VIII instead of the typical Mass for Lent, Mass XVII. It is still Lent, however, and so we sang the Tract instead of the Alleluia.

Even though it is Lent, the Gloria is called for. Because it is a first-class feast, the Credo is called for. We sang Credo III, which goes nicely with Mass VIII.

At the Offertory, again, we sang Stella Coeli Extirpavit.

At the Communion, we sang Parce Domine, and for the Recessional, Hail, Holy Joseph, Hail.

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