THIRD SUNDAY OF LENT: Grace Notes: Why we sing what we sing

With an interesting difference, this was a typical Sunday of Lent. The priest was again wearing violet, and of course, we sang Mass XVII, which is only used during Advent and Lent. With that, we sang Credo I. Because it is Lent, the Mass calls for a Tract rather than an Alleluia.

We sang Blessed Lamb at the processional. This is a thoroughly Lenten piece that speaks to Our Lord’s saving Blood.

At the Offertory, again, we sang Stella Coeli Extirpavit.

We moved our Holy Name observances to this Sunday and included a formal ceremony for the installation of the newly elected Officers. Thus, at the Communion, we sang Jesu Dulcis Memoria.

The installation ceremony began immediately after the Last Gospel with the hymn Veni, Creator Spiritus. After the installation of the Officers, we recited the Holy Name Pledge, then sang the Holy Name Anthem as a recessional.

Sometimes it’s just as interesting to know why we did not sing something as why we did. We did not sing a hymn in honor of Saint Joseph because the only fitting one in our hymnal – Hail, Holy Joseph, Hail– was used in our festivities after Mass in honor of Saint Joseph

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