SECOND SUNDAY OF ADVENT: Grace Notes: Why we sing what we sing

The liturgical color on this day is violet. That calls to mind several things:

• There will not be flowers on the altar

• We will not hear the organ

• We will sing Mass XVII (for the Sundays of Advent and Lent)

• We will not sing the Gloria

There are two versions of the Kyrie for Mass XVII. We arbitrarily chose the first. We paired the Kyriale with Credo I.

For the processional, we sang O Come, O Come, Emmanuel.

At the Offertory, yet again, we sang Stella Coeli Extirpavit, imploring Our Lady to obtain for us relief from the current pestilence.

This being the Sunday on which the men of the Holy Name Society make their observances at Holy Mass, we sang the Vespers hymn from the Feast of the Holy Name, Jesu Dulcis Memoria at the Communion. Having thus honored Our Lord, in honor of Our Lady, we chanted Ave Maris Stella with a very pretty harmony underneath the chant.

To conclude, we sang the Holy Name Anthem (We Stand for God) for the recessional.

The picture is the statue of Our Lady Star of the Sea (Stella Maris) venerated in the church of Sliema, Malta.

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