SEXAGESIMA SUNDAY: Grace Notes: Why we sing what we sing

This was Sexagesima Sunday. The priest is in violet. The Liber Usualis calls for Mass XI (without the Gloria, of course). We paired that with Credo I.

We are nudging closer to Lent. We sang Blessed Lamb at the processional. That is full Lent mode.

At the Offertory, again, we sang Stella Coeli Extirpavit. It will soon be two years since we first started singing it to ask Our Lady to preserve us from the current pestilence.

At the Communion, we again sang Parce Domine, omitting the fourth verse owing to the specific reference to the fasting of Lent. We also sang the seasonal Compline Marian anthem, Ave Regina Coelorum.

We concluded with God of Mercy and Compassion, which has a certain penitential feel to it without being full-on Lenten.

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