THE 21ST SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST: Grace Notes: Why we sing what we sing

This was a fairly straight-forward Sunday, musically. The overall theme was for Our Blessed Lady, but it was not a Marian feast, per se, so we did not do Mass IX, but rather chose Mass IV, and with that, Credo IV.

For the processional, we did I’ll sing a Hymn to Mary; at the offertory, Stella Coeli Extirpavit.

We had the feast of Our Lady’s Maternity last week, so we sang Salve Mater at the Communion.

And for the recessional, we sang O Queen of the Holy Rosary, fitting during this month of the Rosary.

We concluded after Mass with the Angelus, which commemorates that event in Scripture that gives us the first words of the Hail Mary.

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