SECOND SUNDAY AFTER EPIPHANY: Grace Notes: Why we sing what we sing

Sometimes, things don’t go according to plan. We had snow the night before the Mass and the roads were icy so the church was practically empty. We managed to muster enough men to sing the Mass, but couldn’t marshal a full complement of servers so we had to settle for a low Mass.

We did sing some of the same hymns that we would have sung had we had a sung Mass.

  • Processional: O Come all ye Faithful
  • Offertory: Stella Coeli Extirpavit
  • Recessional: Good Christian Men Rejoice

And had we had a sung Mass, we would also have sung:

  • Commons: Mass XI with Credo I
  • Propers: From the feast

An interesting aside: The Communion antiphon is particularly long for this mass and has within it what is doubtless the most interesting musical phrase in the entire Gregorian repertoire. It occurs at that point where the wine steward exclaims: Thou hast saved the best wine until now! You can hear the excitement in his voice!

Listen to it here:

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