Grace Notes: The Octave of Christmas and the Feast of the Circumcision

The feast fell on a weekday this year so there is no Asperges. We would normally then sing the Introit as the processional. Since a plenary indulgence is offered for singing (or reciting) the Veni Creator on January 1st, after the processional, Father intoned and we all sang the Veni Creator. Otherwise, we continue to sing Mass II (two) because it is the Christmas season, and we sing Christmas songs for all of the hymns.

The Epiphany

The processional and recessional are in honor of today’s feast of the Epiphany. The popular carol, We three kings is not in the hymnal so we provide a handout for your use.

In some cases, depending on how the various feasts fall during the week, when there is a Sunday between the Circumcision and the Epiphany, that Sunday is Holy Name Sunday. This year, that did not occur, so the feast of the Holy Name of Jesus was observed on January 2nd. To honor that feast, we will sing Ecce nomen Domini.

Today is also the first Sunday of the month, and on this day, the Men of the Holy Name Society receive communion together as a body and recite the Holy Name Pledge after Mass.  And to again honor the Holy Name, we will sing Jesu Dulcis Memoria, taken from Vespers on the feast of the Holy Name.

Grace Notes: Why we sing what we sing

The Octave of Christmas and the Feast of the Circumcision

The feast fell on a weekday this year so there is no Asperges. We would normally then sing the Introit as the processional. Since a plenary indulgence is offered for singing (or reciting) the Veni Creator on January 1st, after the processional, Father intoned and we all sang the Veni Creator. Otherwise, we continue to sing Mass II (two) because it is the Christmas season, and we sing Christmas songs for all of the hymns.

The Epiphany

The processional and recessional are in honor of today’s feast of the Epiphany. The popular carol, We three kings is not in the hymnal so we provide a handout for your use.

In some cases, depending on how the various feasts fall during the week, when there is a Sunday between the Circumcision and the Epiphany, that Sunday is Holy Name Sunday. This year, that did not occur, so the feast of the Holy Name of Jesus was observed on January 2nd. To honor that feast, we will sing Ecce nomen Domini. Today is also the first Sunday of the month, and on this day, the Men of the Holy Name Society receive communion together as a body and recite the Holy Name Pledge after Mass.  And to again honor the Holy Name, we will sing Jesu Dulcis Memoria, taken from Vespers on the feast of the Holy Name.

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