Are there any rules for how we should treat Our Lord’s Body? Louis Tofari joins WtT Episode 37

Louis Tofari of Romanitas Press joins us to talk about: -Rules for how the Eucharist should be handled -Whether plastic totes from Home Depot can be used as a tabernacle -How most priests (even traditional ones) are failing to follow the rules governing the treatment of Our Lord’s body And much more.

What We Sing at Mass, and Why – Welcome to Tradition Episode 30

If you love the Catholic Mass and wondered what we sing and why, this is the episode for you. Jim explains: -The common parts of Mass -The propers of the Mass -The Kyriale and different versions -The different Mass settings, and when they’re sung -When hymns are proper, and when they should be in Latin vs English And a lot more. This is a great opportunity to learn more about the Catholic liturgy. Join us!