Is the Freestanding Altar a Modernist Invention? Louis Tofari Joins Welcome to Tradition, Ep 34

The Immaculata Church in St Mary’s, Kansas received a lot of criticism at it’s grand opening when some laity noticed the freestanding altar.

Louis Tofari joins us today to answer some important questions: -When did the freestanding altar come about? -What is the origin of the gothic-style altars most Americans are familiar with? -Is the freestanding altar designed with ‘versus populum’ in mind? -Is it wrong to have the tabernacle detached from the altar…or in another place altogether? And as always when Louis joins us, there’s a lot more you’ll learn about the liturgy, the faith, the eucharistic sacrifice and our traditions. From Rome to Saint Mary’s, Nashville to Buenos Aires, we cover a lot of ground.