What Does Modesty Really Mean in 2023 – Jessica Impson WtT Episode 28

Is modesty an objective thing? Should women wear skirts and dresses or risk immodesty? Is a woman who refuses to veil in church guilty of a sin? What about wearing yoga pants in public? Is it possible for a man to dress immodestly? My guest is traditional Catholic Jessica Impson and we discuss these and many other questions in this controversial episode. Like and share if you enjoy our content. You can reach Jessica at: https://www.facebook.com/groups/27337…

Louis Tofari on Lenten Fasting and Traditions – WtT Episode 27

In this fascinating interview, you’ll learn: -What the Church really requires about fasting and abstinence -The important distinction between purple and violet in the liturgical life of the Church -When does Lent really end? Is it on Good Friday? At the Easter Vigil? The first mass of Easter morning? -Is it a sin to break your personal Lenten vow? And much more. Louis also shares some great reading recommendations.

Advent Catholic Traditions with Louis Tofari; WtT-Ep 23

Louis Tofari joins us for a fantastic conversation about the origins of Advent, the differing traditions over the centuries, and some fascinating insights, including: -Is the Advent wreath legitimately Catholic -Is Advent based on a Roman pagan practice -Why do we have rose-colored vestments on Gaudete Sunday -True origin of nativity scene (it’s not St Francis) And even the kind of wood that was used for the crib of Our Lord. Like and share this episode if you enjoyed it. Don’t forget to subscribe so you’ll be notified of new episodes. Additionally, you might like these publications referenced during the episode: -2023 Roman Calendar https://www.romanitaspress.com/produc… -Mystery of Christmas https://www.romanitaspress.com/franci… All these books are available from https://www.romanitaspress.com/

Welcome to Tradition – Episode 16 – Tips for Parents Who Bring Kids to Mass

In this episode, we tackle one of the more controversial issues for Catholics: -What behavior is acceptable for kids at Mass? -Should children even be at Mass? -What to do when your baby is crying -How to prepare a toddler for Mass And all sorts of other insights learned from many years of bringing young children to Mass.

Welcome to Tradition – Episode 07

In this episode, you’ll learn: -The surprising truth about concelebration in the TLM -The origin of pews in church (and why Catholic Churches in Europe don’t have them) -What to do when you get drenched with Holy Water at the Asperges -Why we stand at the Gospel And why you’ll see the priest taking off his maniple (and maybe even the chasuble) after the Credo. Join us!

Welcome to Tradition – Episode 5 – Traditional Rules for Fasting and Abstinence

In this episode, we’re talking about fasting and abstinence! You’ll learn: -The truth about abstinence from meat on all Fridays of the year -Fasting and abstinence within Lent -Special dispensations for Americans -What is required under the new laws -What the traditional practices were And more. Join us and share with your friends!

Welcome to Tradition – Episode 02 – Traditional Customs for the laity at mass

In this episode, Jim answers critics who took issue with traditional customs and liturgical gestures and posture. He also answers questions about how the rules apply to the sick, the old, the disabled, pregnant moms and those with small children. He also explains when and where to genuflect, and how to perform the different genuflections. Join us!